Saturday, September 25, 2010

No Means a Better Yes

Recently we were asked to ponder the statement "You have to say no to the good things in order to say yes to the best things." Early in life this may have been confusing, not any more. I have learned the best things come to those who wait. This applies in all areas of life. Let's look at some obvious ones. A new car would be good, waiting a year and getting the same car with a few miles on it but saving 10,000 is better. Saying no to an impulse buy, just to find the same item half price later is also great. Material examples yes I know but they offer Spiritual principles. I promise you this fact....every time I say no to my flesh God blesses me in a way that is by far the best. I am not talking about sin; rather my way verses Gods way. I may think it's good but God knows what is Best. Saying no to many good things,i.e. ministry engagements, allows me to spend more quality time doing better things. Recently I have said no to some really GOOD food only to physically feel my BEST later !!!!!
Peace and Love

Saturday, September 18, 2010


One of my favorites....among "The last shall be first," "I have to become nothing in order for God to make me something," " To become great is to become a servant." It took a long time for this one to sink in but, once it is..... there is freedom. Keeping with the favorites, one of our A.A. slogans that comes directly from this Biblical principle is "You gotta give it away to keep it." If I am not serving others I am absolutely useless. The spiritual side of our being yearns for service work. It just takes most of us a long time to realize it. There is a simple satisfaction in servant hood that is parallel with God's nature. Our journey is to become more like Christ and the very essence of Him is a servant. There is peace in God's will therefore there is peace in servant hood.
Peace and Love

Saturday, September 11, 2010


What have I started that will live on after I am gone ? The more I have thought about this question this week the more I have to take a look at my actions. My words are empty if my actions don't line up. First, I believe in my children. As different as they are, they all have been impacted by my actions. Peaceful and easy...that's what they all have seen. Peace with God, ourselves and each other. Love like Jesus....whether YOU think they deserve it or not. Although I am starting a ministry that I believe will be part of my legacy, the reality is life is about relationships. The relationships I am forming with my guy's and the things I teach and model for them will be passed on from them to others....and so on....and so on. The young men we form relationships with through Chrysalis is another form of legacy. We get to see them grow through the years, what a blessing. So my answer would be; throughout life the relationships I form and the people I impact will be my legacy. Wherever that may take place...
Peace and Love

Monday, September 6, 2010

Getting in Shape

Yesterday I was frustrated, I weighed before church and had gained weight. I blamed it on eating bad for one day but really was frustrated because I have been working hard. Saturday had been my hardest workout to date. Cardio in the pool for over an hour with Godot was intense...not only swimming laps but racing with my son. A little ego never hurt a workout but I have to say it was the hardest I have swam to date...LOL Anyway I weighed again this morning and have lost another 2.2 lbs. That brings my total to 11.1 lbs. I was tempted yesterday to pig out, it's deserve it....all the rationale's were free flowing. I was ready for a large pizza with extra everything. Something inside me would not let me do it. I had 3 slices of lean brisket and some black eyed peas. I guess the moral of this blog is not to give up. God is Faithful when we are faithful. He WILL do His part but we have our part as well. So whatever your struggling through.....stay faithful cause He is Faithful !
Peace and Love

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What am I going to do about it ?

As of late this summer I have been way too busy. This morning I have been thinking about this blog and what am I really doing about it ? With everything that is still going on I think the most important thing I am trying to do is more with less. I am spending more quality time with the guy's I sponsor. We have set times each week to meet and work. I am spending more quiet time at home with God and family. We have started youth worship again and I am teaching one guy guitar and another bass. I am spending less time on things that are not a priority. Last but not least I am taking better care of myself. Ironically, the week I started my diet and exercise Chad challenged the staff to a 21 day weight loss competition. So far I have lost 9.7 lbs. I never in my life have had to loose weight or diet, it's not easy. I told a lot of my close friends what I was doing for accountability and prayer, that's the key. Eating right and exercise actually makes you feel better !!!! Whodathunk !!!
Peace and Love