Saturday, May 21, 2011


Reading in Habakkuk I can't ignore the similarities to present day. In 2-12..."how terrible it will be for you who build your cities with money gained by murder and corruption!" Name a large city.....Miami comes to mind, I recently watched a documentary explaining how all the cocaine money built the majority of the skyline and how the economy suffered when Reagan declared his "war on drugs." Habakkuk 3 is actually a prayer sung by Habakkuk. He begins praising God for all the glorious things He has done...then pleads for Him to remember His mercy in His anger. Also from a music side....the end instructs the choir director to accompany the prayer WITH stringed instruments.....that's how we do it.
Peace and Love

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Stop the Violence Start the Love is fast approaching.....I've been pondering some ideas and I think we should have a few activities that reflect our areas of ministry. Trevor could have an allotted time for a poetry contest centered around the theme of the day. we could also have an A.A. meeting scheduled somewhere during the day. A way to raise money I thought of was a dunking booth.....I don't know if we could pull it off but it would be very interesting and humorous........we could have different staff members, Chad and the elders take turns to be "dunked." I would pay for that !!!!! LOL.....I bet some of our homeless would miraculously come up with some money !!!!LOL
Peace and Love