Saturday, February 19, 2011

Risky ?

As history is being written there can be no doubt risks are being taken. If our forefathers had not taken a risk we may not even be here. We would not have our rights as American citizens. The pioneers of our nation did not know where they were going to end up....they just headed west. I used to take blind risk's...most of the time I was oblivious to the fact, I used to race moto-cross. If you did not take a risk racing you would never make it over the triples, sometimes risk was very painful. I recently left the business I was in for over 25 years to pursue full time ministry...risky ? We started an A.A. meeting for Sunday school...risky ? We partnered with an organization to prevent teen addiction...risky ? I believe anything in our life that we pursue that is not in our comfort zone we can perceive as a risk. As Christians our risk taking has a safety's called Faith.I believe and even expect God to do what He says He will do. So I can take risks and know whatever the outcome He has my best interest at heart. All of my risks that are ministry minded have turned out successful. God is Faithful....End of story.
Peace and Love

Saturday, February 12, 2011


How can I help people succeed ? My first gut reaction is stay out of the way and let God work...Although that may sound like a cop-out or passive,it's really not. Just like faith without works is is letting God work...there is my part. First I have to have a personal relationship with God and those I am trying to help. Second; I have to live a life acceptable to God therefore I will be a good example to those I am trying to help. Third; I have to make time to spend with God and those I am trying to help. As time passes and I gain more wisdom by His grace I have learned the least spiritual thing I can do at times is interject my opinion.....I have seen God's work cut short by us trying to help too much. I also need to be filled with the Holy Spirit...that way when I am asked my opinion I can speak the truth into the lives of those I am trying to help succeed. Helping someone find God's perfect Peace and Love is the ultimate way I can help them succeed. When they have been through all they need in order to achieve this, and I have been there to walk with them through whatever it takes to get there, then we have success wherever we go with whatever we do !
Peace and Love

Saturday, February 5, 2011


There are so many voices in my head at any given time that I have learned which ones to listen to and which ones to shut out. No I am not schizophrenic,although I do know how to spell it,I have a magnificent magnifying mind. I think too much....When I start to think of the past and those cautionary tails of what might have been I shut it down. Everything I have been through God has now blessed me with the ability to use those experiences for His Glory. Nothing happens in Gods world by mistake !!!!!Yesterday is only a dream....tomorrow is only a vision...but today, well lived, makes yesterday a dream of happiness and tomorrow a vision of hope. I choose to stay in today !!!!
Peace and Love