Saturday, April 23, 2011

Growing up Easter....

The chocolate bunny and you had to eat the ears first.....the marshmallow chicks and bunnies that I know had to  be healthy..and eating hard boiled eggs that had been in the sun for hours. For you younger people ...yes we used to not remove the inside before coloring and yes some people did eat them. And yet we are still alive. Easter was all about the show...the big dresses and hats..polyester suits for the cool dudes back in the day. The only evidence I have that my dad went to church is an old Easter photo of us in Houston. The pastel green suit for dad and the powder blue one on what a sight. Like Christmas our culture has removed the meaning of Easter. Today Easter is all about the show as well. The fact that we can show people the real meaning of Christ's resurrection and how that is the cause for celebration.
Peace and Love

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are ?

Who am I?  Alcoholic…Addict…Worthless…Lost…Afraid...Selfish…Self-centered…Judgmental…Fault Finding... Critical…Un-Loved…Un-Worthy…Un-Holy…A Fallin’ Angel…You’ll never amount to anything…What’s wrong with you…Un-grateful…Womanizer…Useless piece of trash…Destructive…Hopeless…I knew your father what happened to you? Bound to fail….Eternally damned….   NO    NO   NO Not Who am I?     It’s        WHO I AM.    It's not a question mark...It's a period

Sober…Clean…Worthy…Found…Courageous… Giving…Compassionate… Merciful…Graceful... Loved…Worthy…Holy…Chosen…Something… Confident …Grateful…Joyfully Married…Useful… Encouraging…Faithful...I know my real Father… Destined to Succeed…Eternally Saved…..That’s

Who I am   Period.  

Peace and Love

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thermometer or Thermostat

Cool.....I like this blog topic. It is based on a quote by Martin Luther King while in jail in Birmingham. He uses the word "early" when describing when the church was powerful. Isn't' that rue of our relationship's as well.....If we would pursue our wives like we did when we were dating our marriages would be more fulfilling If we pursued God as we did when we were first saved our relationship with Him would be incredible..Now to thermometer and thermostat....Luther describes the early church as a thermostat and today's church as a thermometer....Understanding thermal unit's (BTU's) and how heat transfers is important when working with A/C and heating units....I did this for this one is simple...a thermometer measures and a thermostat changes....As a church we should be the ones actually changing our world instead of measuring what is happening and just talking about the way it should be.... Peace and Love Jeff

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Parking Spaces

Tempting parking spaces...??hmmm.....Yep, I can remember being on an awesome worship team at a comfortable church where I was feed at least three time a week with a spiritual uplifting service or home group.....but......that was it, there was no giving getting my hands outreach. That was a soft comfy parking space,close to the front.....not a lot of work involved. In my marriage I can get "parked" by letting my wife do for me because I deserve it so much....HA...the old martyr trap. Being tempted to be still or get sidetracked is an old trick and is never going to go away. The key for me is to have ministry goals set with accountability to get them goals...they all fall under this logic. Peace and Love Jeff