Saturday, April 16, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are ?

Who am I?  Alcoholic…Addict…Worthless…Lost…Afraid...Selfish…Self-centered…Judgmental…Fault Finding... Critical…Un-Loved…Un-Worthy…Un-Holy…A Fallin’ Angel…You’ll never amount to anything…What’s wrong with you…Un-grateful…Womanizer…Useless piece of trash…Destructive…Hopeless…I knew your father what happened to you? Bound to fail….Eternally damned….   NO    NO   NO Not Who am I?     It’s        WHO I AM.    It's not a question mark...It's a period

Sober…Clean…Worthy…Found…Courageous… Giving…Compassionate… Merciful…Graceful... Loved…Worthy…Holy…Chosen…Something… Confident …Grateful…Joyfully Married…Useful… Encouraging…Faithful...I know my real Father… Destined to Succeed…Eternally Saved…..That’s

Who I am   Period.  

Peace and Love

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