Saturday, September 17, 2011


Honestly the word itself has had a negative meaning most of my life. Phrases like "do you believe the audacity of......" That's the first thing I think of.  After the past couple weeks it has a new meaning. Audacity is outright boldness without regard to the norm.I believe as Spirit filled believers anytime we face difficulties without whining or complaining we show we are different than the norm. When life looks horribly negative and depressing and we shout out with joy to our Creator we are being audacious.
Clinton Trigg, after his wife of over 50 years passed away, he could be the most angry, depressed,mad at God and life old man .....and with good reason, but he is not. He has chosen to let God and His people love him and he has even gotten involved himself. He gave his life to Christ at our Iron meeting. He drives the church van. He volunteers his time. That's audacity. My wife as well, she has done his laundry every since his wife died. She feeds him at our home once a week and they go to the movies or do something together at least once a week. Most of us just start to ignore older people and hope they find something to do...not my wife....that too is audacious !!!
Peace and Love

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