Monday, September 7, 2009

Good People-Bad Things

Sometimes I wonder why bad things happen to good people ? When close friends are in pain or sick, when good Christian people die young or suddenly, these are times that get me thinking and searching. My wife and I had the cancer scare last year. Many times I find myself asking why ? I have seen in the last year several close friends loose loved ones. I have seen amazing Christian people go through terrible times. I have seen alcoholics and addicts destroy their lives. Why ? I don't know ! What I do know is that I also have witnessed awesome men and women put their faith into action. In the middle of adversity, devastation and fear I have seen people praising God and sharing their faith through their actions. We live in a fallen world that the enemy has control of but we are not of this world. We are aliens in this world. No matter what happens to us here we know we have eternal Salvation through Jesus Christ. We have fellowship, friends and family for support and the Word of God for comfort. I believe that is why the armor of God has the helmet of Salvation, it covers our head or thoughts. We can take comfort in knowing God is in control and pray for our brothers and sisters. So I guess I don't have to know why , I just have to have faith and trust. So as we all go through our stuff know that Jesus Loves you and I Love you ! Good Things

Peace and Love

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