Saturday, November 26, 2011

Empty Chair

Last Sunday Chads message was about empty chairs....empty chairs at family gatherings for various reasons. Death, addiction, bad choices, divorce...many reasons can be thought of for that empty chair.
But something really cool happened to me last Wednesday as I was getting ready to go to McKinney for Thanksgiving....A friend called me who was aware of all that is going on in my life...........he was making sure I had somewhere to go for Thanksgiving.....his exact words were " I have an empty chair for you."
This brought on a whole new perspective while at the same time gave me assurance God is in control......
Peace and Love.............sometimes His work is not mysterious at all !!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Diminished Returns

I heard about this diet guru...She was making millions on the fundamental principle of diminished returns. Simply put, eat whatever you want but while you are eating you must stop when the thrill of the taste is"Diminished Returns."..Thank You Father that You are not like that, when I return what has been freely given to me I continue to receive  Gods blessings in my life...His Peace is unsurpassed when I am working with another addict or alcoholic. His Presence and Joy is unspeakable when I am in His will. By the way if you are reading this and you are searching for answers, wondering what is Gods will...let me ease your search...Gods will is for you to be in intimate relationship with Him and to Love all those you come into contact with...unconditionally...   Abundant Returns !!!!
Peace and Love


Our recovery literature reads " we are driven by 100 forms of fear "....I think it should read 1000.....we live in fear of everything when we are in our addictions. WHY ? Because we measure our success and or failures based on our own power. We look at days ahead and think how am I going to get through. We judge our capabilities based on our own will power and abilities....Anyone can see that any life run on self will is driven by fear. False Evidence Appearing Real....God is my strength, He has my future. He says I will give you enough strength for every situation that arises. No matter what happens He is all I need. As God works through my friends and family to hold me up I can walk through my fears.....and isn't that the definition of courage ?
Peace and Love

Saturday, November 5, 2011

When God Was Near....

This is a whole new meaning as of late.......After spending 22 years running from God and starring as Satan's MVP I could tell you story after story of near death,literally,near death experiences. I could also tell you of all the Miracles He has performed in my life over the the past, almost decade now, of following Him....but today as I am getting ready to go play at Emmaus Candle Light I feel the need to express the fact that God is ALWAYS with me now !!!! It's awesome to have a continuous conscience contact with the Holy Spirit.....It's truly the one thing that has transformed my life and allowed me to be content no matter what my circumstance.....Even broke,wandering what I want to be when I grow up,rocky relationships and all life has to throw at me.........God is Good ....He was near and He is near..
Peace and Love

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Remember Me !!!

Some friends of mine have been getting together now for about 25 years....yep its been that long...I used to be remembered as the last one down,the guy who could party all night. People remembered me for all the wrong reasons. Last year I attended that party again......did not drink....was the only bass player there sober enough to play. Everyone knew I was changed....I left at 11:00 pm and as I left Marcus announced to everyone I had to leave cause I was preaching the next morning. The party just happened to fall on our Recovery Sunday weekend.....Some of them actually showed up in church to hear my message....It was I am remembered for the right reasons..........
Peace and Love
Six Flags with teen recovery youth was awesome......thanks Mission Abilene for giving those young people to opportunity to have fun.....without consequences  !!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Show Me The Way

A very famous person once said "Preach the Gospel throughout the world ...and when necessary use words !"...I truly believe this is how it has to start...We are based on attraction...the world needs to see us different and have a desire to be like us or else ANY words are useless......Then once we are in an accountable relationship with Christ and others that is when it needs to go further....we build,edify and encourage....THROUGH LOVE....and speak the truth to our brothers. This helps them clear the path for God to do His transforming work.....We tend to be way over-educated beyond our level of obedience.......That's worth repeating...We tend to be way over-educated beyond our level of obedience !!!
Peace and Love


As of late I am anything but EMPTY......I recently participated in a Kairos prison ministry and if you get the chance to do so I highly recommend it.....I watched God do what he does best through the lives of 42 inmates out at the Robertson unit....The fact is but for the grace of God I am not in white.....I learned a lot from the guys at our table "family" its called in Kairos. I poured out my heart and the wisdom He has blessed me with to those guys and WOW what a blessing......Our spiritual life is ALIVE its a living breathing thing much like a body of water...Living must have an inflow and and outlet lest it becomes stagnant and dies.................
Peace and Love

Saturday, October 8, 2011

5......5.......5......FIll in the blank...

If you went to the Subway commercial you like myself are flooded with media....
Not to sound churchy but for real the One voice that influences me the most is that small still Voice I hear in my heart and head....That God conscience that I try to let run my life and give me Peace..Pastor Chad, and all the staff at the Mission are number two..Next would be my AA Sponsor Barry B. He has had a daily investment in my life for 7 years and he has my matter what. My wife who speaks into my life on a daily basis also has a strong influence......most of the time.....LOL......
Last but certainly not least....all these influences change order daily....the guys that I sponsor...helping others is probably the one constant that has kept me on track and blessed my life the most.....
Peace and Love


Simply put....My rest in HIM......I have learned over my years in ministry that boundaries are very important.....I can't give from an empty "TANK." My hobbies and my alone time I guard fiercely....ask my kids....and sponcees. My fuel comes from Gods word as I rest in him.....
Peace and Love

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Honestly the word itself has had a negative meaning most of my life. Phrases like "do you believe the audacity of......" That's the first thing I think of.  After the past couple weeks it has a new meaning. Audacity is outright boldness without regard to the norm.I believe as Spirit filled believers anytime we face difficulties without whining or complaining we show we are different than the norm. When life looks horribly negative and depressing and we shout out with joy to our Creator we are being audacious.
Clinton Trigg, after his wife of over 50 years passed away, he could be the most angry, depressed,mad at God and life old man .....and with good reason, but he is not. He has chosen to let God and His people love him and he has even gotten involved himself. He gave his life to Christ at our Iron meeting. He drives the church van. He volunteers his time. That's audacity. My wife as well, she has done his laundry every since his wife died. She feeds him at our home once a week and they go to the movies or do something together at least once a week. Most of us just start to ignore older people and hope they find something to do...not my wife....that too is audacious !!!
Peace and Love

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Just Because

I'm writing tonight just because....what a difference time can make. This weekend is the Annual AA Conference at the Civic Center....hmmm seems we were just there...anyway, seeing the "old timers" and realizing what God has done through the years through so many people is incredible. I can reflect on my thoughts 9 years ago and remember....they even have photo albums from past years. We can look at ourselves then and now but more importantly we can reflect......What amazing things God has done in our lives....I really don't seem to have the words to describe it. It's His plan in action.....Loving Him and Loving each other....just as we are, unconditionally and praying for transformation....That is what recovery programs are all about....that's what our churches should be all about. I am blessed to be a part of a church that "walks the walk"...and allows me to do what God does through the recovery community.
Peace and Love

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Short Story

Its 1:09 am and I just got the past say 10 years ago I'm sure your imagination could tell you why someone would just be getting home at 1:00 am.but tonight the story is different. I woke up this morning an ordinary Saturday, no big plans maybe go to Hamlin for the Pritchard reunion or maybe stay home and enjoy the first rain since Easter...but then the phone rang. It was John, a high school buddy asking me if I had heard about Lee's mom, Lee is another old friend. John and Lee were the first  two people I met In High School when I moved here to Abilene. Lee's mom had passed away last week and the funeral was today in Strawn.Again...... in the past I can hear myself saying...".man if I had only known before the day of I could have made plans to go," or some kind of excuse. Not today...I got ready and went.It was refreshing to be able to just go and be selfless to show up for a friend. Not to go preach or try to counsel but just to be there for someone if they needed me. God blesses us when we are unselfish. The funeral was well....a funeral. I spoke to Lee and some others and they thanked me for coming and as I was leaving I thought I am almost to Fort Worth I will go see David. It was just like an hour or so to Weatherford and David was int Ft. Worth..So as I'm driving I decide to call Juan and ask what room David was in now.....he is now at Baylor in downtown Dallas !!!! That's another 2-3 hours both ways of driving....but no excuses I kept going. It was good for my soul to see David...He is awake and alive and being David. The last time I saw him he was still in a medically induced coma. I am at a peace I have not known for a while.....God is faithful to grant us His peace when we get out of ourselves and do for others.....I'm excited about STV and everything else we have happening at church.. Chad blogged about a big happening, but is going to wait for KRBC and KTAB to air the news......maybe I can get it out of him tomorrow......I'm a little curious who it is...Its a good day to be sober
Peace and Love

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Past and It's Influence

Seems to be a trend here.....Chad and I both have spoke on this recently.....Our past does not define us but it does shape us. My past actually helps me in our ministry." Be transformed by the renewing of your mind" helps to know how others think now in order to walk with them through renewal. It's what we I'm OK with my past but more importantly excited about our future !!!!!

100% vs 100

If I could get 100 people to join me in what I believe and what I am going to do the impact would be 99 times greater than what I could do alone !!! Even more than that...those people would impact others as well and so on and so on........Look what Jesus started with twelve.......imagine what we should be doing !!!!
Peace and Love

If I Had Listened !!!

What a statement.....what if we all listened. I have heard it said Intelligence is learning from our mistakes...but true wisdom learns from others....If I had listened I would be financially secure, already owned a payed off home, had a degree or possibly a Doctorate by now ??? Who knows...what I do know is my story is my story and it allows me to do what I do now.......If I could only get my kids to listen!!!!!!!
Peace and Love

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Everyday Hero

My first thought on this one was my sponsor....In A.A.we have what we call sponsors. They are really spiritual mentors if you want to get real with it. Barry B. Has been my sponsor since 2003. Not only does he sponsor me but several others. Its a selfless act that requires a lot of time. There is no pay for being an A.A. sponsor, no frills or benefits only the God given Joy of watching Him change the lives of others through the program. The trickle affect of how it works is amazing. Someone helped and still helps him...he helps me...I help others..they help more and so on and so get the picture. It's discipleship at its finest.....and it works....So Barry B. is my everyday hero...Thanks brother for all you do.......
Peace and Love

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Recovery Sunday 6/5/2011

WOW !!! What a day....Those of you who know about what we do and why we do it can feel blessed with us. Our vision is becoming reality.....Sunday morning a local treatment facility actually brought their clients to church and let them stay not only for our meeting but for the service as well. Even though they left early to get back for lunch this was HUGE.....To my knowledge a Drug and Alcohol facility has never allowed their clients to attend a church service....also that evening more than 50 clients came to our Recovery themed church on the street. It was incredible...we saw rehab clients with no more than a few days clean and sober serving food in a line over 100 people long. People getting out of themselves to serve others while still in rehab....God never stops amazing me with what He can do.....I think the bridge is well on its way.......the gap is narrowing !!!!
Peace and Love

One Thing

Define Irony....The week we get the blog assignment about one thing we want to do this thing...I come across tickets to The Byron Nelson Golf Tournament..How cool was that. I have never been to a PGA event and this year I have been blessed to be able to play more golf than ever before. It really is a blessing due to the fact I was not sure I was ever going to play after my last hip surgery.
So instead of blogging about it...I actually got to go do it !!!!!
Peace and Love
P.S. Those guys really are good !!!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Reading in Habakkuk I can't ignore the similarities to present day. In 2-12..."how terrible it will be for you who build your cities with money gained by murder and corruption!" Name a large city.....Miami comes to mind, I recently watched a documentary explaining how all the cocaine money built the majority of the skyline and how the economy suffered when Reagan declared his "war on drugs." Habakkuk 3 is actually a prayer sung by Habakkuk. He begins praising God for all the glorious things He has done...then pleads for Him to remember His mercy in His anger. Also from a music side....the end instructs the choir director to accompany the prayer WITH stringed instruments.....that's how we do it.
Peace and Love

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Stop the Violence Start the Love is fast approaching.....I've been pondering some ideas and I think we should have a few activities that reflect our areas of ministry. Trevor could have an allotted time for a poetry contest centered around the theme of the day. we could also have an A.A. meeting scheduled somewhere during the day. A way to raise money I thought of was a dunking booth.....I don't know if we could pull it off but it would be very interesting and humorous........we could have different staff members, Chad and the elders take turns to be "dunked." I would pay for that !!!!! LOL.....I bet some of our homeless would miraculously come up with some money !!!!LOL
Peace and Love

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Growing up Easter....

The chocolate bunny and you had to eat the ears first.....the marshmallow chicks and bunnies that I know had to  be healthy..and eating hard boiled eggs that had been in the sun for hours. For you younger people ...yes we used to not remove the inside before coloring and yes some people did eat them. And yet we are still alive. Easter was all about the show...the big dresses and hats..polyester suits for the cool dudes back in the day. The only evidence I have that my dad went to church is an old Easter photo of us in Houston. The pastel green suit for dad and the powder blue one on what a sight. Like Christmas our culture has removed the meaning of Easter. Today Easter is all about the show as well. The fact that we can show people the real meaning of Christ's resurrection and how that is the cause for celebration.
Peace and Love

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are ?

Who am I?  Alcoholic…Addict…Worthless…Lost…Afraid...Selfish…Self-centered…Judgmental…Fault Finding... Critical…Un-Loved…Un-Worthy…Un-Holy…A Fallin’ Angel…You’ll never amount to anything…What’s wrong with you…Un-grateful…Womanizer…Useless piece of trash…Destructive…Hopeless…I knew your father what happened to you? Bound to fail….Eternally damned….   NO    NO   NO Not Who am I?     It’s        WHO I AM.    It's not a question mark...It's a period

Sober…Clean…Worthy…Found…Courageous… Giving…Compassionate… Merciful…Graceful... Loved…Worthy…Holy…Chosen…Something… Confident …Grateful…Joyfully Married…Useful… Encouraging…Faithful...I know my real Father… Destined to Succeed…Eternally Saved…..That’s

Who I am   Period.  

Peace and Love

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thermometer or Thermostat

Cool.....I like this blog topic. It is based on a quote by Martin Luther King while in jail in Birmingham. He uses the word "early" when describing when the church was powerful. Isn't' that rue of our relationship's as well.....If we would pursue our wives like we did when we were dating our marriages would be more fulfilling If we pursued God as we did when we were first saved our relationship with Him would be incredible..Now to thermometer and thermostat....Luther describes the early church as a thermostat and today's church as a thermometer....Understanding thermal unit's (BTU's) and how heat transfers is important when working with A/C and heating units....I did this for this one is simple...a thermometer measures and a thermostat changes....As a church we should be the ones actually changing our world instead of measuring what is happening and just talking about the way it should be.... Peace and Love Jeff

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Parking Spaces

Tempting parking spaces...??hmmm.....Yep, I can remember being on an awesome worship team at a comfortable church where I was feed at least three time a week with a spiritual uplifting service or home group.....but......that was it, there was no giving getting my hands outreach. That was a soft comfy parking space,close to the front.....not a lot of work involved. In my marriage I can get "parked" by letting my wife do for me because I deserve it so much....HA...the old martyr trap. Being tempted to be still or get sidetracked is an old trick and is never going to go away. The key for me is to have ministry goals set with accountability to get them goals...they all fall under this logic. Peace and Love Jeff

Saturday, March 19, 2011

That Thing You Do

We were asked, why do we do what we do ? first thought was..... that's a lot of do....LOL.....I can hear myself say to people "That's why we do what we do." There are many selfish reasons I am a recovery pastor. Number one is it keeps me sober. Helping others with their struggles and addictions keeps me out of mine. It is a blessing beyond words to see an addict or alcoholic's life restored. By the way alcoholic or's all the same thing and same answer. To see families transformed and lives renewed, to see that light bulb finally come on and witness first hand peace and serenity in the lives of others,maybe for the first time in their lives, it's indescribable. The true friendship's and the brotherhood of ministry is a powerful truth. Allowing people in our hearts and learning to trust again is spiritual. I could go on and on about the blessings of ministry. Just this week we experienced the sadness of ministry as well. A close friend lost his wife this week after a long illness. They were together over 50 years...true soul mates still in love after all those years. We watched as a gray haired grown man wept uncontrollably at the heartache and realization of going on without her. We helped in all aspects of the service, we provided The Mission for them to have the memorial service. Clinton has been at our house two times this week for dinner and just to hang out. My wife is taking him to the roller derby tonight so he will have something to do...the funeral was today. Clinton and I have had a couple of good talks this week about spiritual qualities...... life and such...We don't have words to make it all better....we are here to walk with people through life....good and bad....all to glorify Jesus.....and that is why we do what we do.
Peace and Love

Saturday, March 12, 2011


What percentage is my part in ministry...? I do my part God does the rest.... Random thoughts along this same line of thinking are numerous. What really is my part or percentage ? I don't know much but what I do know I really know and believe with my whole heart. When asked what was the most important law or to sum up the law Jesus said to Love God with all we are and to love others.Those two things, no matter how they look or how we perceive them , are all we can do. It's a comfort and a peace I have obtained later in life that allows me to have faith and not worry. I have control over two things....what I say and what I do. Outside of that I am powerless...but I know the One who has all power. I do my part He does His. As far as those we try to help and walk with through life, they have their part..... We merely give loving suggestions.......thing is, if you don't follow the suggestions we can refund your misery !!!!!
Doing my part.......
Peace and Love

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fisher of Men or Keeper of the Aquarium ?

Being the owner of several large and small fish tanks I have way over thought this blog entry ! Somebody has to take care of the aquarium or the fish die. If it wasn't for the fishermen we would have no fish to keep alive, so it's a balance. I see myself as both. If you think about it all fishers of men SHOULD be keepers of the aquarium as well. I look at this as discipleship. Being a keeper of the aquarium is a requirement of a fisherman. We are called to disciple not just to "catch." There is way more to owning a large aquarium than most people think. Just like there is way more to ministry than most people think. I like this thought process...think of all the parallels we can draw from this visual. Certain fish can only live with certain fish. We have separate classes for different people as well....and so on !! Some aquarium owners just throw in a little food every now and then. Their tanks may look good at first but its only a matter of time and the water gets murky then the whole aquarium dies !!! I could go on but I will let you think of some more.....
Peace and Love

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Risky ?

As history is being written there can be no doubt risks are being taken. If our forefathers had not taken a risk we may not even be here. We would not have our rights as American citizens. The pioneers of our nation did not know where they were going to end up....they just headed west. I used to take blind risk's...most of the time I was oblivious to the fact, I used to race moto-cross. If you did not take a risk racing you would never make it over the triples, sometimes risk was very painful. I recently left the business I was in for over 25 years to pursue full time ministry...risky ? We started an A.A. meeting for Sunday school...risky ? We partnered with an organization to prevent teen addiction...risky ? I believe anything in our life that we pursue that is not in our comfort zone we can perceive as a risk. As Christians our risk taking has a safety's called Faith.I believe and even expect God to do what He says He will do. So I can take risks and know whatever the outcome He has my best interest at heart. All of my risks that are ministry minded have turned out successful. God is Faithful....End of story.
Peace and Love

Saturday, February 12, 2011


How can I help people succeed ? My first gut reaction is stay out of the way and let God work...Although that may sound like a cop-out or passive,it's really not. Just like faith without works is is letting God work...there is my part. First I have to have a personal relationship with God and those I am trying to help. Second; I have to live a life acceptable to God therefore I will be a good example to those I am trying to help. Third; I have to make time to spend with God and those I am trying to help. As time passes and I gain more wisdom by His grace I have learned the least spiritual thing I can do at times is interject my opinion.....I have seen God's work cut short by us trying to help too much. I also need to be filled with the Holy Spirit...that way when I am asked my opinion I can speak the truth into the lives of those I am trying to help succeed. Helping someone find God's perfect Peace and Love is the ultimate way I can help them succeed. When they have been through all they need in order to achieve this, and I have been there to walk with them through whatever it takes to get there, then we have success wherever we go with whatever we do !
Peace and Love

Saturday, February 5, 2011


There are so many voices in my head at any given time that I have learned which ones to listen to and which ones to shut out. No I am not schizophrenic,although I do know how to spell it,I have a magnificent magnifying mind. I think too much....When I start to think of the past and those cautionary tails of what might have been I shut it down. Everything I have been through God has now blessed me with the ability to use those experiences for His Glory. Nothing happens in Gods world by mistake !!!!!Yesterday is only a dream....tomorrow is only a vision...but today, well lived, makes yesterday a dream of happiness and tomorrow a vision of hope. I choose to stay in today !!!!
Peace and Love

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Area of Margin

I have come to a point in life where I am aware of my margin. I have learned to keep enough margin in order for them to remain fluid. Life is ever changing, so is ministry, family, school and so on. My margins need to stay large enough to accommodate my schedule. God remains the same...the one thing I can always count on is Him. To become like Christ should be all of our goal,even though we fall short,it is still my goal. To love like Christ we have to sacrifice like Christ. Is there enough margin in your life for sacrifice ? Is my margin for me ? One thing Jesus did was spend time alone with God. That, I have learned, needs to be my largest area of margin.....without that all other margin is useless.
Peace and Love
Time to go teach the Jesus Jesus song

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Guided Tour

I was recently asked if I am a travel agent or a tour guide ? Interesting train of thought.....There was this old drunk, face down in a muddy ditch. A doctor walked by and said " here's a prescription..take these for a while then call me if your not better." A religious man walked by and said " brother you look rough, I will pray for you, if you need anything come see me at church." A fellow drunk who had been sober for quite some time stopped, got down in the ditch with him, held his hand and began to show him a better way to live. By the Grace of God a tour guide found me and by His Grace I am now a tour guide.
Peace and Love

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Time Wise

For the first time in my adult life I am not punching a time card. Even though my 25 year career was not an hourly job, I was paid on commission, we still were required to be "clocked in." Aside from church hours and face to face classes I have 100 % control of my schedule. It may sound a bit trivial to some of you but I feel a freedom and Peace I have never known. I feel blessed way...way...way beyond what I deserve. With that blessing comes responsibility. "He who has been given much,much is required." I have built a schedule that allows "Margins" and freedom to do more for His people. I have plenty of time set aside for family,ministry and school work. Last semester I even managed to play golf at least once a week. I am learning that "my time" or time set aside for what I want to do is very important. If I am not enjoying is hard to be positive when helping others.Most important....every weekday morning I get to watch my morning ministry shows and spend my quiet time with God. I have made it a priority to come up with something everyday that I could speak into someones life if the situation arises. Being prepared to minister out of my overflow is one of the most important lessons I have learned from my current pastor. Today life is peaceful and productive,loving God, loving people, living one day at a time.
Peace and Love

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ministry 2011

This year I believe we will see closer relationships. Our recovery group has grown in numbers and grown in our faith and maturity. What I am believing for is more relationships with a wider area of the recovery community as well as the mental health community. We have positioned ourselves in such a way we can start to show the love of Jesus Christ to a wider area of influence.. It is going to start with more meetings and a teen focused meeting collaborating with Taylor Alliance for Prevention. I have many friends deep in the recovery and mental health communities who share the same vision...this year we will work more diligently toward making it happen. We are already taking steps in this direction.....It's exciting.
Peace and Love