Saturday, August 28, 2010

JOY Matthew 25:21

What brings me joy? I have a favorite little speech I give to people who say they aren't happy. I explain to them happiness depends on things to happen-happen is the root of the word happy. If I am depending on things to make me "happy" I am missing the boat. True happiness is known as joy, and joy only comes from the Lord. Matthew 25:21 clearly states " you have been faithful over a few now I WILL MAKE YOU ruler over many, enter into the joy of the Lord." THE ONLY part I play is being faithful and obedient, He provides everything else. Having said all that back to the question " what brings me joy?" Seeing my wife worship from the sound booth on Sunday morning brings me joy. The love and relationships of my family and friends brings me joy. Seeing my daughter being a good mommy brings me joy. Holding my grand son, Seeing those in recovery doing well, Being part of something at church bigger than all of us, all these things bring me joy. It is not coincidence that all of this came after I was faithful with a few things and God blessed me with all of these things..........and the best is yet to come. Thank you Jesus for my Joy.
Peace and Love

Friday, August 20, 2010


I have been asked this week how do I infiltrate my faith into humanity. Without hesitation I say through recovery and relationship. As some of you know I am currently putting together a non-profit, school has slowed down the process but school is part of the process,this is the entire reason for this ministry. Showing the love of Christ through helping those in recovery. We don't advertise or push our faith, it is a natural response to Gods love that automatically takes place. So far, we have had 5 Baptisms through our recovery meeting just this year. When we get out of the way and let God work, amazing things happen. Remember, the most spiritual thing I can do is keep my mouth shut !
Peace and Love

Monday, August 9, 2010

Striving for More, Desire for More

I've been trying to catch up with catching up for awhile now. God is doing amazing work all around us. This is actually a blog assignment from last week and since I lead worship I will need to check with aroz to see if I am missing this weeks also--any who---A principle I am familiar with is Bigger, Better and more. Seems I wasted many years chasing it. What I have learned is to be grateful for the NOW in life. If I am so busy desiring more I miss out on the blessings here in the NOW. If I could think of an upside to desiring more it would be the drive to obtain it. As long as it's something in Gods will for us desire can be a positive thing.
Peace and Love

Monday, August 2, 2010

Chrysalis 51

Wow !!!! That's about all I can say. Thank you Father for being so big and intricate I don't understand how you work. Thank you Holy Spirit for preparing the way and following through every aspect of Chrysalis 51. I was extremely blessed and I was fortunate to witness God working in the lives of 22 young men. I was joking before the weekend about how we are only able to be Lay Director one time because if asked again we would say no....How wrong I was--I would start preparing again today to see what God would do again. He is so Faithful We need to be more like Him.
Peace and Love